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Why should I have a professional website?

Your web presence as a musician is important but it should complement the objectives you have for your career. A fundamental truth is that technologies can only evolve into the most extreme absolutes and we must take profit of having a site that opens doors to an infinite world. Today, building a website is fast, easy, simple and cost efficient and stylish. No musician has an excuse not to build a website in this market, especially  when the competition is invading the market while you are paralyzed practicing to achieve perfection.

However, we can not fall into the fallacy of building a website because everyone is building a website just like jumping off a cliff is not a healthy option even if everyone is doing it. So the big question is: "Why should I build a website?". The answer is complex and simple. Websites are powerful and we must have a precise objective. 

Common objectives for musicians:

  • Presentation card to get Gigs
  • A platform to deliver a Message
  • Posting a Calendar with Touring Dates
  • Sell Music (Download or CD's)

How should I build my website and how it will work

This is when the paradox of the DIY websites come to play. Everyone is building a website because they fall into the bait promotion of the Free Website. It is easy, time consuming and really not professional enough to make develop a good Search Engine Placement. The truth is that the DIY website builders are not asking you the questions you need to achieve your objectives. They really focus into a cookie cut template with a fake slogan of personalized and unique while they really intend to make a one size fits all website.

Therefore, we decided to offer a solution for musicians at the Online Music Guild. Our websites are built by musicians and tailored to accomplish what musicians need. The truth is that we own the tools that have proven to work over and over again. The way things are integrated is crucial to drive traffic to a website but if the website is not properly setup and designed, you will be loosing your audience.

For more information about Guild Websites, click HERE or email us at: [email protected]

Tango on the other side of the word
Social Media debunked for musicians and artists

Guild Musician Services

eMagazine Column
eMagazine Column
Affiliate System
Affiliate System
Concert Agent
Concert Agent
Newsletter Service
Newsletter Service
Concert Stream
Concert Stream
Media & Stationary
Media & Stationary

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?
What is the duration of the membership?
What is the cost?


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