The Online Music Guild - Presents
Eliana Osorio Saldarriaga - #OnDemand
Eliana Osorio Saldarriaga was born on April 20th -1995 in Medellín, Colombia. She is a 25 years old soprano. Her musical interest began when she was little and when she was 6 years old she started to be a part of different musical institutes at her city. In January 2014 she entered to EAFIT University at the age of 18, preparing herself under the guidance of Mister Detlef Scholz. Later she continue her undergrad with Miss Sandra Lorena Caicedo with whom she finish her superior studies on December 11-2019.
In Eafit, Eliana was part of the chamber choir "Tonos Humanos" with the guidance of Ms. Cecilia Espinosa. She's sung in Masterclasses with Juanita Lascarro, Alejandro Roca, Rachel-Willis-Sonrensen, Abdiel Vazquez,Lucas Meachem, Ailyn Perez, Angel Joy Blue, Jorge Parodi, Claire Craig. She is currently starting her master in vocal studies at Longy School of Music under the guidance of Ms.Karyl Ryczek. She got accepted in the Vincero Academy where she prepared the role of Micaela.
Original Streaming: April 20th, 2021

Eliana Osorio Saldarriaga
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