The Online Music Guild - Presents
Aarón Sánchez - #StayHome Concert
“Las Venas abiertas de Latinoamérica” (The opened veins from Latin America), title inspired in the book written by Eduardo Galeano “Concierto de música latinoamericana para guitarra” (Concert of Latin American music for guitar),is a Project in which we make a travel from north to south: Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba and Mexico. A tour with music by the composers Máximo Diego Pujol, Agustín Barrios Mangoré, Joao Pernambuco, Gentil Montaña, Antonio Lauro, Leo Brouwer, Eduardo Martin and Mexican Music. The intention of this Latin American music program stems from the events that are currently being experienced in Latin America; ravages, massacres and socio-political problems. Leaving those terrible news aside, I try to raise awareness through beautiful music, being as it's not very common to listen a complete program like this.

Aarón Sánchez
Classical Guitar
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