The Online Music Guild - Presents
Aram Ortiz - #OnDemand
This concert will feature music composed by notorious mexican musicians, like Ricardo Catro, Manuel M. Ponce, F. Villanueva, and a 4-hand piano transcription of Moncayo's Huapango.
Aram Ortiz is a mexican pianist, who currently studies the sixth year of the Piano Degree at the National Conservatory of Music, in Mexico City. As soloist he has performed in many important scenarios in Mexico City, such as the Natinal Conservatory, the José Luis Cuevas Museum, Museo del Carmen, Museo Mural Diego Rivera, etc. As accompanist, he has performed with the National Conservatory Choir, the Goethe Institut Choir, and the Harmonnia Chorale, in Mexico City and in Jonzac, France.
Aylén Ortiz is a mexican pianist, who currently studies the third year in Piano Degree at the National Conservatory. As soloist, she has performed in various scenarios, such as Casa de Cultura de Azcapotzalco and the National Conservatory. As accompanist, she accompanied Harmonnia Chorale in Jonzac, France, in 2019.

Aram Ortiz
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