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ArtSong Colorado: The art in the melodies of a poem


A lot of people say, get confused about Art Songs... many will say "Isn't that opera?". Well... no... Art Song Colorado is a good place to start and understand what is an ArtSong and why does it matter so much. It is important to remem...

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  5693 Hits

Did he really premiered this composition missing a page?


​Imagine you're under the microscope of the musical elite in Vienna and you have to produce a whole sonata in very little time. This, for Mozart, was probably the norm. But for this one, the sonata also was to be presented wi...

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  3691 Hits

Coloratura forged with fire at its best


The magic of Handel's Alcina can only really be unlocked when certain practices are put in place and this is a phenomenal example on how "tornami a vagheggiar" can (and should) be interpreted. In this performance, Amanda Forsythe adds her q...

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  11335 Hits

If you have to do it, do it in the woods!


​We heard innumerable stories of composers gathering inspiration from nature and yet we make so much effort to perform in concert halls and many other venues that we believe to be a source of inspiration. Khatia Buniatishvili made a huge stateme...

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  7035 Hits

La Música no sirve

¡La Música no sirve!

Muchas veces escuché esa frase. Que la música no sirve, que el arte no sirve, que tocar un instrumento no sirve, y muchos etcéteras más cual tributo al "no porque no". Si embargo, no por eso me detuve y gracias a no detenerme es que estoy aquí. ...

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  2423 Hits

Do You Think You're In The Middle Of Nowhere?


​If you think you have no opportunities because you're in the middle of nowhere, you have already lost your battle and you should stay home and stop trying. The honest truth is that in this world, talent and $3 will get you a cup of coffe a...

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  6400 Hits

Why should you surrender to your stage fright?


​Being afraid is a natural human response to situations that in our brain appear to be life threatening. Statistically speaking, people fear public speaking far more than death. This seems irrational. Nevertheless, the social implications of pub...

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  6763 Hits

Coordinating Killer Music for an Outstanding Wedding

Coordinating Killer Music for an Outstanding Wedding

So you have finally landed your first gig playing at a wedding. You are part of an ensemble and you are the one gathering information and coordinating music for the ceremony. You want to create music the wedding party will always remember Their exper...

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  2046 Hits

Your niche is important! Stick to it!


Stranger things is a show that personally did a lot for me. This is a great surprise because this video is pushing even more buttons that what the TV show did. First of all, as I was talking with Nathan about the blog, I was excited because of the va...

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  3679 Hits

How to master a new piece? Practice like a Unicorn!


Being a musician is one of the hardest things because of the nature of the art: anything we ever do we have to be able to reproduce over and over again. The sad news is that the key to success is endless boring repetition.  T...

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  3335 Hits

Being a Musician is all about your versatility


Many young musicians dive into a school, conservatory, or institute because they feel music as a path to live life and unfold oneself. I will say that this is a normal path because it coaches us structure and good habits. But as everything in life, i...

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  3771 Hits

Jenn Tzeng: a great example on how to Lead By Example


Being a Music Mentor is a challenge because it takes a lot of work and dedication. This past weekend we came across the studio of a very talented violinist in the Bay Area who asides of being an incredible musician, has built a very good studio....

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  6020 Hits

Wasting your money on a music degree is stupid!


Everyone (including myself) has fallen into the trap of "purchasing" a music degree via an established institution. It took me a verry long time to realize that the cost in "Time and Money" had no tangible Return of Investment. This is is main topic ...

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  2886 Hits

Your brain can benefit big time from learning guitar


 The Classical Guitar is an instrument that requires left-right hand coordination. This kind of complex task demands the brain to utilize the opposite hemispheres in different ways, forcing the performer to focus in a quite particular way. ...

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  1927 Hits

Pianists that really know how to play relaxed


​Learning and memorizing music is a process that sometimes takes blood, sweat, and tears and it could lead to tension. Practicing relaxed is important to play relaxed. In those two videos, Lang Lang and Josh Wright introduce why relaxing is important...

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  1868 Hits

Five wonderful violinist jokes that you need to share!


An important matter: "Violinist tend to be tedious because they think very highly of themselves"... This is a wide spread popular belief that actually is is far from true and we must stand for what is right. Many say: "I have innumerable violinists i...

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  2719 Hits

Stop procrastinating and play everywhere every day


- "Before we begin... a special thanks to the business owners and managers of wineries, coffee-shops, restaurants and similar that have opened their doors to my music. My touring in Northern Oregon was blessed by your awesomeness!" Being a Classical ...

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  2132 Hits

The most amazing arrangement made to this spectacular overture


As I was browsing for music in the internet to find new artists, YouTube drove me in the direction of this fantastic arrangement of the Overture to one of my favorite operas. The original work has always struck me as a masterpiece for the ways innume...

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  3600 Hits

Listen to the new Masters of Classical Music

Listen to the new Masters of Classical Music

Born in Moscow in 1990, Lukas Geniušas started piano studies at the age of 5 at the preparatory department of F. Chopin Music College in Moscow, going on to graduate with top honours in 2008. He was born into a family of musicians which played a majo...

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  1831 Hits

Daniella Clark, Harpist for Compassion

Daniella Clark, Harpist for Compassion

Throughout her life Daniella has been devoted to helping those with disabilities and the treasured members of our elderly community. Her educational training is centered around helping those in need and the disabled. Her music is the vehicle she uses...

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  2108 Hits

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