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Your niche is important! Stick to it!


Stranger things is a show that personally did a lot for me. This is a great surprise because this video is pushing even more buttons that what the TV show did. First of all, as I was talking with Nathan about the blog, I was excited because of the va...

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  3369 Hits

How can musicians really exploit social media?


We all know it and we all say it: Social Media is an addiction! But how many of us really simply shut it off? The honest truth is that we musicians have to use it for business purposes but keeping some important issues at bay. Social Media is a ...

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  1905 Hits

How to pin and boost your musical presence


A brief description: Pinterest is a tool that people generally use to store ideas and remember simple visuals because it helps them achieve goals. The niche of Pinterest is fascinating because women absolutely love this platform. It's worth unde...

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  1906 Hits

Join the Guild and help us building the Web Empire!


We are very happy to announce that we have inaugurated officially the Website Development product for applicants in the Guild! After more than 4 years of hard work with Joomla Systems we are now launching our most powerfull service  fo...

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  2097 Hits

Guild Musician Services

eMagazine Column
eMagazine Column
Affiliate System
Affiliate System
Concert Agent
Concert Agent
Newsletter Service
Newsletter Service
Concert Stream
Concert Stream
Media & Stationary
Media & Stationary

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?
What is the duration of the membership?
What is the cost?


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